Searching for Products and Creating Links 

This tutorial and video teach you how to search our database for products to promote. Follow these simple steps and you'll be on your way to monetizing as an Influencer in no time!

Tutorial Topics

1) Search for Products to Promote 2) Creating Product Link Modals 3) Monetizing Product Links 4) Watch the Product Search and Monetize Link Screencast
Start by thinking about the products you feel strongly about, ones that you’ve either used or have a genuine interest in, that fit your Influencer persona and you feel will spark your Followers’ interest. Your searches can be really specific or start more broadly to find new things you like. Not every product you use will be in the database, of course, because not every company utilizes Influencer Marketing or approaches it the same way, but with more than half a million products in the database, you’re bound to find things that resonate with you!

Searching Our Database for Products to Promote

1a) To start searching for Products, Log In to the account you’ve previously created, then click the PRODUCTS dropdown in the top navigation. 1b) Then click SEARCH PRODUCTS TO LINK and you’ll be taken to the Product Search Page. 2a) From there, you can click the All Categories dropdown to the right of the magenta Search button to Browse by Category. 2b) ... or type a product into the Search field for a General Search. 2c) ... or use Advanced Search for more options, including Country, Merchant, Brand, and Cost. 3a) Clicking on any Product brings up its Create Product Link Modal. 3b) Clicking on the Generate Link button will create a Custom Short Tracking Link for this Product that is specific to YOUR account, and automatically save it for you. You can get to it later by going to PRODUCTS > YOUR LINKS & REPORTS in the Top Navigation… 3c) ... or click the Copy to Clipboard link now before you even close the Modal if you’re ready to use it now. The following popup will appear, letting you know it’s ready for Pasting (Command-V on a Mac, Control-V on a PC) into your next social post: 3d) You can also click Copy Image URL to grab the graphic for posting.

Monetize (Most) Product Links [Bring Your Own]

4a) You can search our product database for other products you’ve found. First, Log In and click Products in the header, then click Monetize Links (B.Y.O.) in the dropdown: 4b) You’ll be taken to the Product URL Search Feature, where you can input the URL for the page where you found the product: 4c) We’ll search our database and tell you if we carry that specific product. If we do have the product, you’ll get a result like this: If we don’t have it in our product database, you’ll get a notification like this: Don’t worry if you get a Link Not Monetizable notification, we’ve got thousands and thousands of other products to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that just right for you and your followers. 4d) From here, you can click on Generate Link to create a link for sharing with your followers (**If you’re logged in as a Manager, you need to log yourself into the Influencer account you will be sharing the product on): 4e) From here, you can copy the link to your clipboard (as shown in step 3d), or copy it directly for use on your social channels. You can also copy the image to share. It’s that easy!
Watch the Product Search and Monetize Link screencast for more detailed information.   Finished: Part IV – Linking and Reporting On to: Part V – Creating and Viewing Reports

Create and View Custom Link Reports

This tutorial and video will teach you how to create and view your Link Performance Reports.

Tutorial Topics

1) Accessing Performance Reports 2) Video Screencast: Link Performance Reports
1a) You can view your links anytime (even if you’ve logged out and back in) by going to PRODUCTS > YOUR LINKS & REPORTS in the Top Navigation… 1b) Which will take you to your Performance Report, showing each of your Links. 1c) As you create Links for more and more items, you may want to Filter to see things differently, whether it’s your most recent links, or which Products generated how much revenue over a certain period for you. 1d) Under the Filters header, you can click the Date Range to set start and end dates: 1e) ... or click the Columns dropdown to change the information that’s displayed: Watch this informative Link Performance Report screencast for more information on Link Reporting. It's that easy to create and view reports! Go ahead and give it a try for yourself and you'll see how simple it is to track and report your earnings. Finished: Part V – Creating and Viewing Reports On to: Part VI – Advanced Merchant Search
You’ve built a strong Instagram following by putting in the hours, doing the research, and, ultimately, establishing yourself as an influencer in your niche. The next step? It’s time to finally get paid for all those hours you put in by monetizing your account with product endorsements. If the term “product endorsement” makes you cringe, know that monetizing your Instagram account doesn’t have to be sleazy. You can make good money by sharing the products you genuinely love with the people you influence. And, by endorsing great products, you’ll actually grow your authority and followers. More and more brands are looking to influencer marketing as an effective, authentic way to reach customers. In 2016, brands that utilized the technique spent $25,000 to $50,000 per influencer program. Since 94% of brands found these programs effective, they will spend twice that in 2017. There is, however, a right and a wrong way to go about monetization. If you’re making aesthetic compromises or alienating your followers with annoying endorsements, you’re doing it wrong. Luckily, there is a graceful way to make money selling any product on Instagram.

Know Your Followers

Influencer capturing event stageUnless you’re Kylie Jenner, posting a photo of a random product on your Instagram isn’t going to make you money. To drive sales, push something that’s useful and relevant to the people that follow you. If you suggest a product that your followers end up loving, it will both make you money and build your credibility. By posting great, consistent content, you probably already know your niche. By interacting with your followers in the comments section of your posts, you also probably know the basic demographics of your audience. Brands love influencer marketing because it is highly targeted for a specific niche or demographic. People, too, would rather see targeted than random advertising. Unless you’re looking for casualties, find your target before you shoot off any arrows. On Instagram, sell products that are either directly related to your niche or are in the sphere of interest of a typical follower. Don’t push Tinder, for example, if your audience is typically married, female, and Christian. Your followers also enjoy and, probably, identify with your personal brand aesthetic. Your aesthetic is an important part of your niche and an indicator of your demographic. Successful influencers, like Beau Taplin (@beautaplin), have a strong brand aesthetic. Don’t abandon your aesthetic, at any point, to sell something. Doing so will do damage to your personal brand that will end up costing more than the temporary influx of cash you’ll get from a misguided endorsement. Example of Beau Taplin's Instagram page With product placements, adapt the product to your personal brand, don’t adapt your personal brand to the product. Keep the color scheme, font type, and feeling of other posts when you make an endorsement. If you’re Beau Taplin, then, go after the black and white products.

Be Authentic

Only endorse those products you actually like. You don’t have to surrender your authenticity to make money on Instagram. Actually authenticity is a plus. Brands sometimes prefer influencer marketing over celebrity endorsements because, unlike actors, brand ambassadors can be real. Don’t think about a product endorsement as a way to make money, think about it as a way to add value. With a great product recommendation, you add value to your followers’ lives. By associating yourself with a successful product, you add value to your brand. And by referring customers, you add value to the product. Ideally, you’ll only promote those products that you’ve used and can genuinely recommend. Your followers were drawn to your account because, likely, you have similar values, lifestyles, and problems. If a product added value to your life, then, chances are, it will add value to your followers’ lives. Example of Cat Meffan's Instagram page The yoga teacher Cat Meffan (@catmeffan) wears all the activewear that she endorses in her posts. She is, then uniquely positioned to make authentic recommendations to her followers. Brands that she wears, like L*Space, often return the value by featuring her posts on their websites.

Master Product Placement

Product placement doesn’t have to be subtle, but it has to make sense. Skip those so-subtle-they’re-painfully-obvious shots of the product and, instead, make every product that you promote a crucial part of your story. Example of The Food is in the Air's Instagram Page Turn your endorsements into an opportunity to get creative with your content and tell exciting stories. The Food in the Air (@foodintheair) post below is only powerful because of how the product interacts, aesthetically, with the rest of the shot. Products make for powerful content too sometimes!

Use Words

Instagram captions are painfully underrated. Instagram is, primarily, a visual platform, but the majority of content discovery on the platform happens through text. Powerful captions use keywords, hashtags, tags, and engaging text to reach people. When you endorse a product, the brand may ask you to use a promotional hashtag. Alternatively, you’ll need to use the caption to direct followers to your bio link in a convincing way. The bio link, itself, should be a short, relevant web address that directs people to the product’s landing page. If you can write well in a way that incorporates useful features like hashtags and emojis, you can push any product in an effective way.

Own It

Nowadays, people are pretty good at picking up on the fact that you’re trying to sell them something. Trying to be sneaky about product endorsements, then, probably isn’t going to work. Oh, and, if you don’t disclose sponsored content to your followers, that’s illegal. Stay on your followers’ (and the FTC’s) good side by owning all of your sponsorships. Be upfront about the products you endorse and spend a minute explaining why you endorse them. Your followers will appreciate your honesty. Example of Jack Morris' Instagram page Traveller Jack Morris (@doyoutravel) famously makes six figures promoting products and destinations around the world on Instagram. Below, he takes a pretty obvious bit of product placement for the charitable vendor Lokai and owns it in the caption. Who can harp on him for “selling out” after an explanation like that? While Jack’s product placements aren’t typically subtle, he’s upfront with his followers about how he makes his money. Owning up to an endorsement, as he does here, changes the conversation.

Know Your Value

Cranking Value Up to 11 (image)Because influencer marketing is new, there aren’t well-established, industry rates for endorsements. One brand might tell you your Instagram network is worth $100, another might say $10,000. It’s crucial that you understand your value as an influencer and that you can communicate it to brands with as much accuracy as possible. The value of an Instagram endorsement is something that even brands that already use influencers have difficulty quantifying. Seventy-eight percent of brands, for example, said that determining the return on investment of influencer was a top challenge in 2017. The best way to quantify and communicate your value is to collect data on the number of click throughs each of your endorsements generates. allows you to create custom short-links to track your click-through rate from anywhere on the web, creating professional reports for yourself or your clients. Best of all, when you're ready to dip your toe – or dive headfirst – into monetizing your influence, offers a menu of over half a million products to choose from. Save Save Save
Perhaps you opened your social media accounts because you knew you should but you didn’t really know why or what it was going to do for your business. A few years back, most business-related social media accounts were just a place for happy brick and mortar customers to reminisce on their experiences or current customers to learn about (and hopefully bite on) new promos, products and services. At that time, it was hard to place a dollar value on each social media follower since their financial impact on a business was negligible, at best. These followers gave (and still give) businesses and fellow customers a non-financial value; more of a warm and fuzzy feeling than additions to the bottom line. As they do with technology, things have quickly changed…but only if your following has too. Don’t completely disregard the non-monetary value your original followers (we’ll call the ‘messenger’ followers) provide since they are the current-day village gossip. Remember the old adage that a happy customer will tell one person and a dissatisfied patron will complain to 10 friends. Luckily, social media and ‘likes’ have changed that dynamic a bit and happy customers tend to spread the word to a wider net. In addition to these ‘messenger’ followers, you should also aim to grow your ‘purchaser’ following. These followers are quieter and appear to be less active on the surface but they are actually more active when it comes to the bottom line. To push your social media platforms to the next level, increase followers and gain the ideal mix of followers.

Here are some tips:

Photo cross-section of influencers and audiences

  • Engage: If you neglect your social media, it will quickly reflect in your number of followers. Lack of posting means disengaging with the messenger-style followers (which are necessary to keep up and expand your overall following) and purchaser followers will get upset if their questions go unanswered.
  • Post Often: Again, think nurture not neglect. Water the plant and it will grow. The highest social media earners post a lot…as in multiple times per day. This might sound like a lot but so long as you're providing worthwhile contributions that keep people engaged, and not over-saturating them, you'll be fine.
  • Pre-Plan: If constant posting is overwhelming or will take precious time away from you actually working in and on your business, you can pre-plan posts ahead of time rather than keeping your social media accounts open all day.
  • Hit Every Angle: Text-only posts should still have a place on your pages but attention spans are only getting shorter as the years go by. To reach every possible follower, appeal to the visual and auditory crowds. Videos or audio clips are a great way to reach the non-readers out there but keep it short and sweet.
  • Hire Out: If it’s financially feasible for your business, hire a social media planner who specializes in growing and maintaining your pages with specific goals in mind. Many planners work with several businesses so you don’t have to commit to a full-time employee if you usually work solo or your company is on the smaller side.
Simple illustration of social media components
  • Stay Authentic: If you choose to pre-plan posts or hire help, it’s easy for your social media accounts to look like a robot is behind the scenes. If everyone knows your business is in Seattle, don’t schedule posts at 1am Pacific. If you’re staying engaged and you make sure to throw timely content in on a regular basis, you’ll stay authentic.
  • Utilize Stats: Avoid shooting in the dark and make use of a service like our Influencer Links that allows you to track the performance of each of your posts. Find out what works so you can post more efficiently to maximize profits. allows you to create easy tracking links and generate professional reports for free.
  • Become an Affiliate: Even if your end goal is to sell your own product, start with an affiliate program to increase attention and to start earning income. This will also get followers used to purchasing something familiar from you before they make the plunge into the unfamiliar.
  • Paid Endorsements aren’t just for Celebrities: Reach out to brands you use and like (again, think authentic) for social media promotion gigs. Companies will pay for a simple photo of their product or a shot of you at their location if they have brick and mortar stores, along with a designated hashtag, of course.
  • Filter, filter, filter: You don’t need expensive filming or photography gear but photos should look the part if you’re expecting likes let alone a payout. Remove clutter from the scene and crop out anything distracting or unsightly to make for a clean, modern and professional-looking picture.
There are several ways to increase followers and income on social media but the one thing you shouldn’t do is pay for followers. Sure, your numbers instantly look great after you purchase a bundle of followers but your real social media-savvy followers or companies you hope to work with will see right through the façade. They’ll label you, you guessed it, inauthentic and not worthy of their investment. This can impact all of your possible angles of online income so keep it real and stay the course to boost your follower ‘worth’ online. Ready to get serious about monetizing your following by promoting and tracking the products you care about? helps new, emerging and pro influencers, their managers, agencies and brands do just that, and make it dead simple.

...You should be (monitoring that little URL can pay off in big ways!)

If your social platforms are key to your business, then Instagram can – and definitely should – bolster your bank account while benefiting your brand. But, despite being the king of engagement, many struggle with the challenge of Instagram’s ability, or lack thereof, to drive traffic and increase other digital visibility. This is largely due to the limited shared link space on Instagram. Since Instagram offers the bio link spot as its ONLY clickable one, consider this precious link as prime digital real estate. Tapping into its power will help boost your brand and business in a big way. Here are some ways to utilize the link in bio to build engagement and increase traffic. Hopefully, these tips will lead to padding both your wallet and audience.

Since Instagram offers the bio link spot as its ONLY clickable one, consider this precious link as prime digital real estate.

Biz Builder 1: Link Customization Is Key

Starting your social storyTypically, when a follower clicks on the link in your Instagram bio, the source of traffic simply shows up in Google Analytics as direct. Instead, try adding a custom URL parameter to the link in order to tailor the results. You can do so by shortening the link, which enables you to do for free. You'll be able to see more specific traffic details and even create a professional report for prospective or current clients. You’ll then be able to determine exactly just how effective these clicks are by tracking both where, and what time of day, these clicks occur. Custom Influencer links can then be updated regularly to match with current content across all digital platforms. Watch clicks and engagement rise by changing the link in bio daily to coordinate with and/or highlight changes of a promotion or new content. For example, if promoting updated content or a giveaway, use the phrase “click link in bio” within the photo caption so followers will click through and enter their date. As the bio features the only clickable link on Instagram, this step is essential in driving traffic to your site.

Biz Builder 2: Pick Your Partners (or Products)

Choose products you feel strongly about, or you think will resonate with your Instagram crowd. allows you to search hundreds of thousands of available items, then create a link unique to you where purchases earn you commissions. Change it up! Don’t feel like you need to stick with one product forever. Test different things over time to see what really moves your crowd.

These types of relationships will help monetize your platforms and establish trust with readers, encouraging them to visit both parties’ websites.

You may even want to collaborate on an Instagram campaign with a major brand. Because Instagram doesn't allow links in captions, a partnering brand would ask you to direct your followers to a "link in bio" to drive traffic, both to their site and to your own. Cross-promotions and strategic partnerships can increase marketing revenue for both parties. Align with brands that reflect your voice to maintain authentic partnerships. These types of relationships will help monetize your platforms and establish trust with readers, encouraging them to visit both parties’ websites.

Biz Builder 3: Go Beyond Hashtags

Focus on quality and engage your audienceEmbracing new ideas and ways of doing things is an important part of life, but it’s imperative online in the digital landscape. Be willing to try new methods of tracking, likes, shares and hashtags. This will give you more flexibility to discover the true impact of engagement. It’s essential to create relevant, engaging and compelling captions and content. This captures the attention of your audience and allows your community to engage with all of your digital platforms, as well as boosting your business. Set yourself up for success and don’t be afraid to experiment with new things in order to find out what works best for your audience. hone in what your readers want and create content that provides them value. Establishing yourself as an authority will further encourage them to click on your bio link.

It’s essential to create relevant, engaging and compelling captions and content.

Biz Builder 4: Curate A Call-To-Action

Earn trust in your productRefer your Instagram followers or visitors to your bio link with a call to action, encouraging them to click through for currents details, promotions or access to updated content. Don’t forget to remind readers to visit the link in bio, as well as check your analytics on a regular basis – something made easy through your account. Don’t be too heavy-handed with your promotion. You can lose the trust of your visitors if you’re too obvious or over-bearing with it. Find that “sweet spot” that compels them to take action but doesn’t make them feel like they’re being commoditized. Then you can direct people to the shortened tracking links in your bio to nudge people toward the products you’re promoting. Treat Instagram as a vehicle to share your message; then, use it to drive traffic and encourage your audience to click over to your actual monetized website.
Traditional advertising is still cozy in the comfort zone of most brands and companies who’ve been around for more than a few years but those taking the plunge into the Influencer Marketing scene are scoring big. Sure, they’re staying current with technology and social media but, more than anything, what they’re really getting right is their target audience. The new target audience is a tiny, microcosm of the wide reach of ad campaigns of years past. Years ago, your avatar might have looked something like an upper middle-class woman in her 30s while today, you know much more about your demographic. Gone are the days of casting the wide net and hoping to catch a few fish. Now you can narrow down the exact type of fish you want and only go after that group. Now, your avatar might be a 32-year-old woman without children, with a household income of at least $100K who attends yoga three times per week and drinks fruit and vegetable smoothies. With this very specific target, you can now sell very specific products and services that will rarely miss the mark.

Gone are the days of casting the wide net and hoping to catch a few fish.

Since you know this hypothetical avatar only eats red meat, on average, once per month, you likely wouldn’t partner with a burger chain to endorse on your Instagram page. Instead, you could partner with a smoothie bar and yoga studios to sell your audience on what they want. A few decades ago, JC Penney was one of the country’s top retailers. Several developments led to the company’s reduction in size but one of their biggest hurdles was in the early 2000s when, in addition to several other sudden changes, the CEO decided to get rid of coupons and lower prices. Customers would get the same deals without the hassle of coupons. This would be easier for customers, smoother for employees and everyone would be happy…or so they thought. They neglected to really get to know their target demographic and failed to realize that they liked using the coupons. The psychology of attaining a deal with a coupon far outweighed the time it took to clip a coupon or the logic of the bottom line price to these customers.

You can (and should) also interact with followers to find out what they are saying about your posts and to gather some anecdotal information but this still doesn’t give you any hard data.

The company made an assumption, implemented a big change and got it wrong. Luckily, these days, marketing can happen on a much smaller scale with much less risk of disaster. Brand image association: Nike and the outdoorsHow will you know if you’re relating to your audience and staying on brand? Likes are a start but they don’t provide the full picture since they don’t reveal any action or lack thereof on the part of your followers. You can (and should) also interact with followers to find out what they are saying about your posts and to gather some anecdotal information but this still doesn’t give you any hard data. To get numerical data about your posts and make sure you keeping them on target and financial viable, use a service like the Influencer Links from This will help you track each post’s performance so you can post more of what works and skip the content that doesn’t translate into action. In addition to tracking the performance of your social media and online presence and narrowing down your specific avatar from your target market, you can also do some homework to determine exactly what problem you want to solve or service you want to provide with a simple niche statement. For example, a personal trainer wants to help our above avatar get and stay in shape. This trainer wouldn't waste his time on posts aimed at men, women in their 60s, mothers or those that support unhealthy habits. It might sound like he is neglecting a large portion of the population and leaving a lot of potential profit on the table but, in fact, he’s doing just the opposite. It’s impossible to be everything to everyone so staying on target with his audience and staying true to his niche will guarantee his posts are more efficient with more profit potential so his time is better spent and he’ll avoid spreading himself too thin. If you question whether or not to post a photo or thought or whether or not to promote a product, service or business, check it by your avatar and niche statement to get a clear yes or no. After the post, check your stats to confirm you're on the right track with your goals and demographic. Save

Are you listening? The team has a very important question to ask you… Would you love your dog more if he or she made you $15,000 a month?

Oh my goodness, you should be ashamed! Don’t worry, we won’t tell Princess. On a serious note, there is a dog that brings in its owner over $15,000 a month. Yes, that equates to $180,000 a year -- just $9,000 below the average salary for a family-practice doctor. We are sure you are wondering, who on God’s green earth is this wealthy sophisticated pooch you speak of? His name is Bodhi, he is a slightly chubby Shiba Inu that enjoys slipping into super-stylish human clothes when his owner isn’t looking and he happens to be one of Instagram’s hottest influencers. first featured him in 7 Creative Ways to Grow Your Influencer Business and our jaws have remained dropped ever since. Anyways, we have noticed a question that everyone seems to be asking as of late -- How much do social media influencers really make? Sure, the Inu is raking in the big bucks, but what about us humans?

Show Me the Money

The career title, Social Media Influencer, is but a few years old. So, it is difficult to pinpoint just how much the average social media influencer is cashing in. first featured him (Bodhi) in 7 Creative Ways to Grow Your Influencer Business and our jaws have remained dropped ever since.

Brands like Payless Shoes have been reported paying influencers up to $1,900 for a few blogs posts. Whereas, fashion influencers with large followings won’t even talk to brands that can’t afford to pay 6-digits. Inc. Magazine attempted to create a formula that could calculate how much influencers could charge for an endorsement. Their range was $25-$75 per one thousand followers. This range depends on how niche their audience is and the level of follower engagement (likes and comments). Let’s take a conservative stance and say an individual with a relatively engaged audience has 10,000 followers and charges $25 a post, tweet, etc. Now, let’s say they don’t want to wear their audience out -- so, they only post once a week.

10 x $25 = $250

$250 x 52 weeks = $13,000 a year.

Okay, so this certainly isn’t enough to live off of, but it most definitely can cover the grocery bill. Take a moment and imagine what you could do with $13,000 in your pocket every year? You could finally afford to buy a motorcycle or perhaps that pet pony you have always wanted. If you were craving a $5 Starbuck’s Caramel Frappe, you could buy 2,600 of them. Anyways, you get the point. It is a lot of money. Wait, what was that? You want to make more money?  

Show Me More Money: Influencers Making Over a Million Dollars a Year

If you were wondering, there are some influencers who are making millions of dollars a year. Actually, well above that. They are in a number of different industries, ranging anywhere from fashion to business. Chiara Ferragni -- Net Worth, $12,000,000

Chiara Ferragni Instagram Snapshot

Chiara is a famous Italian Influencer who has built her large following, vast wealth and success through harnessing both Instagram and her blog, The Blonde Salad, which kind of sounds disgusting, but whatever.

Gary Vaynerchuck -- Net Worth, $10,000,000+

Gary Vaynerchuck Instagram Example

Gary ‘Vee’ is an outspoken entrepreneur who is setting the industry on fire by sharing his message with his massive social following. Having built many businesses, The Wine Library and VaynerMedia, just to name a few, his entrepreneurial insight runs deeper than his pockets.

The Difficult Part About Making Money as an Influencer

While making money as an influencer is great, it’s not always easy. The power has always been in the advertisers hands, not the influencers. On top of this, it has always been a challenge for influencers to track down the right advertisers with the right products. Currently, most influencers only make money when brands or agencies approach them, or when their manager/agent lands a deal by approaching brands. This is highly limiting to their ability to generate income. changes this dynamic, providing hundreds of thousands of products to choose from in a single place, short links and reports to measure and track progress, payment automation where every sale means additional commission. Whatever your level of influence is, it's a tool that'll grow with you. Save Save Save Save
You’ve counted characters, made a game-changing argument in a single sentence, shrunk links, hit “unfollow” a few times, and, for whatever reason, people can’t get enough of it. You’ve built yourself a loyal following on Twitter and, now, you’re ready for the next step: getting paid for the countless hours you put into the platform. Twitter’s advertising tool is an easy place to start, but, if you’re a thought leader, there are far more lucrative – and less abrasive – ways to monetize your presence on the platform. By collaborating with brands that want to reach the people that look to you for leadership, you can make money while adding value to your personal brand in the process.    

As you begin to monetize your presence on the platform, focus on two things: minimizing the abrasiveness of your endorsements and maximizing their value.

Influencer marketing – i.e. collaborations between social media leaders and brands – is a growing and devilishly effective field. By some accounts, influencer marketing is as much as 11 times more effective than other digital marketing. While, in reality, most brands are still struggling to calculate the ROI of their influencer programs, that didn’t stop those same brands from doubling their spending on influencer programs this year. Top influencers, ones who were already making six figures in 2015, when brands first took notice of social media leaders, now make as much as $100,000 per post. No six-figure promises, but if you’re busting your butt on Twitter, there is no reason you shouldn’t receive some compensation. There is, however, a good and a bad way to go about making money on Twitter as an influencer. As you begin to monetize your presence on the platform, focus on two things: minimizing the abrasiveness of your endorsements and maximizing their value.

When You Think Influencer Marketing, Think Value, Not Money.

Think about product endorsements as a way to add value, not a way to make money. Every time you consider putting your name behind a product, ask yourself if that product will add value to your follower's lives. If the answer is no, drop it immediately, this is the key to monetizing without alienating your follower base. If all you cared about was making money, you would just opt into Twitter advertising. As an influencer, though, you get to decide which products get your stamp of approval. This should be based solely on the quality of the product and its ability to solve a real problem your followers face. Alex Crevar Tweets to Travelers Twitter is more interactive than other social media platforms, so get out there and ask your followers about their problems. Do the research so when you do endorse a product and make a ton of money, you’re solving people’s problems, exercising your leadership, and building your credibility at the same time. In addition to earning you money, successful product endorsements build the value of your personal brand. By putting your name behind a useful and fruitful product, you demonstrate your ability to find solutions and pick winners. This will grow your followers. By retweeting influencer content, brands share some of their authority with influencers and, at the same time, introduce influencers to their own followers. Below, the outdoor adventure agency Via Dinarica retweeted a post by through hiker Alex Crevar.  

Don’t Lose Your Voice When You Endorse a Product

Your followers like how you interact with them on Twitter. Your voice is what makes people listen to you, what makes you a thought leader. Don’t lose it, at any point, to sell something. Doing so will do real damage to your personal brand, and that’s not worth the temporary influx of cash you’ll get from a bad endorsement. Skip sales talk. There’s no place for that in influencer marketing. When you endorse a product, adapt it to your personal brand, don’t change your personal brand to the product. Present it in an authentic way that you know will speak directly to your followers. And, of course, only choose those products that relate to your niche and the interests of your audience. Usain Bolt Tweet Shoe Placement Olympian Usain Bolt makes millions through product endorsements, but through partnerships with sportswear brands like Puma, Bolt keeps these endorsements relevant. He’s even been able to inject his personal style into the brand, through the Usain Bolt line. Commercial actors and models are the ones who pretend, influencers are for real. This is what makes influencer advertising so much more effective so, at all costs, keep your voice. Only endorse those products that you actually like. You don’t have to give up your authenticity to make money on Twitter. Ideally, only promote those products that you’ve used and would genuinely recommend. Your followers were initially drawn to you because, likely, you have similar values, lifestyles, and problems. If a product solved a problem for you, then, chances are, it will solve a problem for one of your followers.

Use Your Words to Communicate Value

Corey Rich Twitter Nikon Promo As a Twitter influencer, you know how to use words. You’ve done a lot with very few words in the past. The brand you partner with will, likely, ask you to tag them in a tweet, use a promotional hashtag, or link to a product landing page as part of your endorsement. The rest of the content is, usually, up to you. Product mentions don’t have to be subtle, but they have to make sense. Skip those all-too-obvious “casual” mentions and, instead, make every product that you promote a part of your brand story. If you like something enough to recommend it to your followers, there’s a story there. Tell it. Photographer Corey Rich tells stories that weave together multiple product mentions. The post below, for example, tells both an engaging climbing story and an engaging photography story, with a nod to the climbing influencers he works with and a shout out to sponsor Nikon. When you link offsite to a product landing page, which, inevitably, you’ll have to do, be sure to shrink your link without losing its relevancy. If you’re selling something, your followers’ spam radars will already be up. Don’t scare them away with an irrelevant-looking web address.

Own Your Endorsements

Nowadays, people are pretty good at picking up on the fact that you’re selling something. Trying to be sneaky about your product endorsements, then, probably isn’t going to work. Oh, and, also, if you don’t disclose all sponsored content to your followers, that’s illegal. Stay on your followers’ (and the FTC’s) good side by acknowledging all of your sponsorships publicly. Be upfront about the products you endorse and, instead of getting defensive about them, spend a minute explaining why you endorse them. Your followers will appreciate your honesty.

Calculate Your Value

Because influencer marketing is relatively new, there isn’t a set industry rates for endorsements or mentions. One brand might tell you your Twitter followers are worth $100; another might say $10,000. It’s on you to understand your value as an influencer accurately and to start that conversation with the brands you endorse.

Brands aren’t always on top of this data, so take the lead!

The best way to quantify and communicate your value is to know your click through rate for every campaign you do. Use to track your followers’ clicks and to collect other useful data, like the exact demographics of your audience, that you can pass on to brands. Brands aren’t always on top of this data, so take the lead! Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
With the increasing popularity of social media platforms, brands are looking for creative ways to use social media influencers in their marketing. A poll recently released by Tomoson, an influencer marketplace, found that influencer marketing has become one of the fastest growing online marketing channels, outranking affiliate marketing and PPC. The growth of influencer marketing has proved to be a massive windfall for businesses. Reports have shown that companies are generating as much as $6.50 in revenue for every $1.00 spent! As an agency, using influencers is an excellent way to help your clients grow their business. Here are a few ways agencies can benefit from this growth and help influencers generate income.  

Monetization Platforms

Placing Products Where Influencers Can Access ThemConnecting brands and influencers can be a tiring and tedious process, especially for busy agencies or influencers just starting out. Using an influencer marketing tool such as can help simplify this process. is the first invite-only monetization platform dedicated to social media influencers. It allows thousands of brands to connect with influencers through one intuitive and user friendly dashboard. Simply register your agency and gain access to our exclusive community of individually selected influencers.’s embedded link shortener also allows agencies to easily track the performance of each product and influencer. These analytics allow you to quickly and accurately provide your clients with information on the success of their marketing campaign. Influencers can easily track the performance of their links as well. Time saved and money made!

Digital Products

eBooks and eGuides can be consumed anywhereDigital products are another way agencies can help their influencers generate revenue. Products such as e-books, e-guides, checklists, and downloadable infographics have become increasingly popular, especially for influencers looking for an opportunity to build long-term passive income. These items can be sold online for profit or used to attract leads. While an influencer is a subject matter expert and likely won’t need the help of an agency in creating digital products, you can play a large role in advising your influencer on the best way to promote and market their product. Agencies can also play a valuable role in connecting influencers with brands to work together on the creation of digital content. This content can be promoted through the influencer’s channels and on advertising or editorial space.


Webinars are another great way you can help your influencers increase revenue. Influencers and brands can work together to create educational content that appeals to their target market. This content can further be promoted through the influencer’s network. Webinars can also be a good way for you to connect influencers who may have similar markets and could benefit one another. The can increase the authority, reach, and revenue potential for both parties.

Utilizing influencers is an innovative and cost-effective way for agencies to promote their brands as well as help influencers grow their businesses and increase revenue.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored posts have received negative attention in the last several years. This is due in part to shameless product promotion in reality tv shows, sports, and other popular televised events.Reality television stars and public figures such as the Kardashians are also using their personal social media sites in order to advertise for their different brands. Therefore, there have been many complaints that sponsored content is inauthentic. However, it can still increase revenue for influencers when executed correctly. When considering sponsored content, it is important to know that there are various forms it can take.This includes:
  • sharing content on your social media platform from another brand
  • video reviews
  • new product promotions
  • discount offers
These different approaches to sponsored content give agencies a variety of ways in which they can help their influencers leverage sponsorship opportunities. Utilizing influencers is an innovative and cost-effective way for agencies to promote their brands as well as help influencers grow their businesses and increase revenue. Influencer marketing, digital content, webinars, and sponsored posts can all help your influencers generate more income. If you are interested in getting started with influencer marketing, join now and see how our exclusive platform seamlessly and intuitively connects influencers and brands.
Influencer marketing is an increasingly popular channel that many marketers are investing heavily in. The data gathered for Linqia’s report "The State of Influencer Marketing 2017" from the end of 2016 indicates that nearly half of brand marketers anticipated increasing their budgets in this area. Savvy brands have adjusted their strategies to embrace this channel, though doing it effectively still causes consternation for large and small companies alike. Any Google search about influencer marketing will yield results showing businesses who claim to be highly successful with the channel, but also frustrated ones complaining that the price they pay for influencers doesn’t always back out to being a good investment. As with any marketing campaign, executives naturally need to ensure they are driving results, maintaining a budget and also driving ROI, which is where the performance-driven platform of can be a major benefit to companies and influencers alike. First things first, though...

When many influencers think of engagement they often think of comments and likes; however, engagement goes much deeper especially when calculating CPE.

How To Effectively Utilize Influencer Marketing

Utilize Influencers with a strong audienceBefore any brand sets out to work with an influencer, no matter where they’re engaging them, it is imperative that they first define their goals. Determining and then defining goals can be a long, strenuous process, but you can’t effectively build a campaign if you don’t know what results you hope to obtain. Marketers could easily spend thousands of dollars on influencer marketing and still fail simply because they began a campaign with no true ending in mind. To help keep spending under control, many brands are now stepping away from hiring influencers based on likes and audience sizes and instead have began to hire influencers on a performance basis, with those metrics determining how successful (or unsuccessful) an influencer campaign is. thus, audience size becomes less important when selecting influencers than views and conversions generated by that audience, incentivizing the influencer to become a more successful marketer. Make sense yet? It will.

What Exactly is Performance Based Influencer Marketing?

Performance based influencer marketing is essentially CPE (Cost Per Engagement). It is used to help businesses compare influencers to one another and to their targeted audience. CPE gives you direct insight on how valuable your influencer is or could be to the audience in which you wish to target. When many influencers think of engagement they often think of comments and likes; however, engagement goes much deeper especially when calculating CPE. CPE calculates clicks to the branded urls, likes, comments, shares, retweets and direct purchases. These calculations not only show the influencer how well their content is being received but it also gives marketing executives a live update on how well or how badly an influencer campaign is performing. This in turn gives brands an opportunity to either end the campaign or tweak it without the fear of losing a large amount of money.

The Uncertainty of Performance Based Influencer Marketing

Seeking ethical InfluencersWhen it comes to performance based influencer marketing, there is still a level of uncertainty for both the brands and influencers. For a brand, there is often fear that influencers will begin to employ unethical tactics such as buying likes, shares, clicks, etc. in order to increase their CPE which could still end up costing brands thousands of dollars in budget expenses. On the other hand, many influencers fear that if their campaigns do not perform well they are not just out of a paycheck, they have also wasted time on a campaign that yields no return on investment and for a full-time influencer, time is money. If executed strategically; performance based influencer marketing has the potential to be lucrative for both the brand and the influencer with less risk for the brand and demonstrable success leading to high returns for the influencer.

Creating a Win-Win Scenario for Merchants and Influencers

Happy Influencers discussing next stepsFor Influencers, monetization and tracking platform gives influencers the opportunity to work with a plethora of different brands without having to deal with the stress and anxiety of having to produce results within a certain time frame. This new monetization platform also benefits the brands because they no longer have to search the internet to identify influencers. When brands join our platform they will be able to see our list of “invite only” influencers which also allows them to the benefit of working with more than one influencer at any given time to see which influencer yields the best results. Despite the challenges of performance based influencer marketing, it is still much better for both brands and influencers to employ this tactic vs many fee structured strategies because they pay out could ultimately end up being significantly higher for both parties involved and everyone knows a happy marketer often means an even happier influencer.
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